Domäne Wachau Grüner Veltliner Achleiten 2003
Regular price £65.00Wow, great privilege to have 23 year old Grüner Veltliner in the shop...proves that the grape really does have ageing potential.
Country: Austria
Region: Wachau
Grapes: Grüner Veltliner
ABV: 13.5%
Achleiten is a legendary vineyard in the Wachau village of Weissenkirchen. It is famous for wines with inimitable mineral character. Dry stone walls dating back to the 12th century. The silicate-rich soil commands this vineyard’s landscape. On the upper terraces, gneiss is the prevailing subsoil, the lower terraces are dominated by dark, schistous amphibolites.
The Domäne Wachau is deeply rooted in the Wachau region of Austria. Close to 440 hectares of vineyards are cultivated by the members of this quality-oriented cooperative – that makes 30 percent of the entire Wachau vineyard area. These vineyards are found on steep terraces reinforced by old dry stone walls and are part of a World Cultural Heritage. Famous names like Achleiten, Kollmitz, Loibenberg and Tausend-Eimer-Berg are found on the Domäne Wachau’s vineyard map and make it the only winery in the Wachau with wines from all of the most prestigious sites in the region.
Domäne Wachau strives for the highest quality and as a member of the Vinea Wachau Nobils Districtus quality association, produces wines in the categories Steinfeder, Federspiel and Smaragd. Grapes are sourced from our own vineyards in the Wachau; the purchase of grapes, must or wine from outside the Wachau is not permitted.